Peter J. Sharpe

Peter J. Sharpe
Dad, being the youngest, was reputedly rather spoilt! His sister Rita says the coloured photo proves it "I never had a coloured photo!" she said ...

Sunday 17 June 2012

Happy Father's Day!

A special Father's Day blog entry today!

in honour of today being Dad's special day, here's a selection of photographs of Dad in no particular order ... 

With Son Martin 1962/3

Doing Dad things

Bonfire Night

With Martin at Brands Hatch, 1986?
Being President of Charnwood Chamber of Trade
Carving the Xmas turkey L-R Julia, Caroline, Mum & Dad
Cowboy Dad
Left: Ruth and Julia playing Ice Cream Vans!  Right: Martin, Julia, Ruth
Meeting Diana Dors - A definite highlight!!

Being Grandad - top left: with  Ben; top rightBen, Kimberely and Chloe; bottom left: giving Anna-Ruth a ride in the barrow; bottom right: teaching Amy pitch and putt.

With 5 of his sisters and brothers (late 1980s?) Left - Right: Lenny, Rita, Dad, Renee, Sid, Mary

Easter Bonnet 2011

Father of the Bride, 2009: Dad, Caroline, Charles, Mum

At a family wedding in 1974: Left to right: Uncle Sid, Martin, Julia, Mum, Ruth, Dad, Reg

Dad in holiday mode Left: 1980's Dad - Right 1990's Dad

loving the beach 21st Century Dad / Grandad (Anna-Ruth and Amy in the background)

Reading the Echo

Always the clown!

With Granddaughter Anna-Ruth, 1993

From Left: Introducing Anna-Ruth to chocolate; giving Anna-Ruth a bottle; relaxing with Amy.

Youngest daughter Caroline with Dad Mid 1980s

Christmas Day around 1980: Dad, Mum, Caroline, Martin, Julia

And finally:

Today!  I presented Dad with a printed version of the blog so far in his very own personally designed book bag using his old business logo!

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