Peter J. Sharpe

Peter J. Sharpe
Dad, being the youngest, was reputedly rather spoilt! His sister Rita says the coloured photo proves it "I never had a coloured photo!" she said ...

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Additional information about Thomas Sharpe

From Ruth -

The great thing about writing this blog is that other members of the family can read it and fill in some of the gaps for us.  My cousin, Janet, has emailed with some more information about her Dad, Tom:

'Dad was in the Royal Artillery from 1940 - 46 and was stationed on the London Docks throughout the Blitz.  He should have gone to France on D-Day but was medically unfit due to damage to his ears due to anti-aircraft guns. He then went to Scapa Flow'.

Thanks, Janet.

Dad and I are looking forward to going round to visit some members of the family over the coming weeks for more stories and to get some more photographs, particularly of his brothers and sisters when they were younger.

© Ruth Coward 2012

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